International Air Cargo Transport – The Fastest Mode of Moving Freight

International Air Cargo Transport – The Superior Mode of Moving Freight

air cargo


International air cargo transport has redefined the modern industrial world. Demands have changed as industrial development increased speed.  Production has become automated, transporting the goods to the customer has become a faster process. Although, Slower modes of transport, such as ocean freight,  are still existent,  faster movement of goods is the rule of the day.

The Time Factor

This is where air cargo transport  gets importance. Fast and expensive but trustworthy. Those are the words that describe air freight business perfectly.  The time span between signing the contract and finally moving the ordered goods to the final destination by air freight is very small or rather has become very short. The modern of international air cargo transport has moved from flying goods on passenger aircraft to full freighters.

Not Only Freighter Only Airlines

Most of the airlines carrying passengers offer international air cargo capacity. Depending on the aircraft used, such as wide body jets, narrow body planes, the capacity may vary, but the transporting goods internationally by air is, definitely, possible.

International Air Cargo Products

Airlines have developed products that classify freight into various categories of “fast transport”.  Lufthansa Cargo, for example, has a product that is now very popular: td-flash. The processing is fast and lowered time frames help faster deliveries. At present 90 minutes before departure is the time limit. International air cargo transport has a wide range of products, tailor made to suit not only various types of cargo but also various types of needs of the shipper or the consignee.

Very Small Cargo But Extremely Urgent

On board couriers accompany very small pieces of freight, which cannot wait long. Another term used for this mode is “hand carry” (used in Germany). A person takes custody of the goods, goes through export customs clearance and boards a flight for the airport of destination. Once there, he goes through customs clearance and delivers the good directly to the consignee.

Pharmaceutical goods such as medicines, vaccines, are much more special. Use professional temperature controlled mode of transport. There are two modes available

  1. Passive cooling
  2. Active cooling

The first mode uses no containers. Special packaging keeps the temperature within the required limits. The second mode uses special equipment, such as cool containers or containers that can cool and heat. Both the modes help keep the temperature limits, but the second is much more efficient, although expensive.

International Air Cargo Transport Mode Thrives On Information

International air freight moves even very large or extremely large freight. Freight forwarders will help you organise the export, customs clearance and delivery. If you are a shipper, you need to know a few preliminary points, because  that will make your business life easy. Air freight business is a fast-moving one and quick decisions need to be taken at times. Having information on hand is of extreme importance and that will save you a lot of headache and even money.

Being Up To Date

Thus, it is important the people involved in this forwarding or using these service are up-to-date. In today’s fast-moving world, early and fast access to information is necessary. Many pages on the world-wide-web discuss air freight, some are highly technical while some contain basic information. A very good site is Air Cargo – How It Works. It explains the air freight process and many formalities in a simple but professional way. You can have first hand information about how air freight business works and how you can organise your consignment with the least possible headache.

Complex But Not Impossible – Organisation is the key

Many consider this mode of forwarding, a complex business and they are not wrong. However, when studied carefully, it is not an impossible line of business. Air freight requires planning, organisation, decision-making and communication. Get information from valid sources and you can succeed in international air freight movements.

Web Content

I have tried to keep the content as less technical as possible, although, a few technical terms cannot be avoided. Certain articles are mainly meant for freight forwarders, e.g. the articles on unitised freight is aimed at those in the air freight business.

It is also important for the clients to know at least a little bit of the technicalities, as they will be confronted with them today or tomorrow. One does not have to know all the technical details of aircraft or loading equipment. However, a few general points need to be highlighted. This is the main theme and any questions or corrections are welcome.

A Word Of Caution

This site attempts to give  you information about air freight. This site offers information of a general nature. It will help the reader to improve his knowledge of international air cargo mode of transport.  Please consult your freight forwarder or airline to get the final correct information before concluding or executing your business. This site carries only my own experiences and personal observations about freight forwarding and about air freight in general. Rules and regulations change often and the world of aviation is one of rapid changes.Talk to your freight forwarder about the current practices and regulations.


The author is not responsible for the contents of any external links. Hence, the author is not liable.. All the information here comes to you free. You may use information from this site, but please  do so giving credit to this website by quoting explicitly the source. I have given credits to the sources of information or images or videos here. Please point our any errors or wrong information and the author will take pains to correct them. 

Here is a beautiful take off. C17 Globemaster.  Courtesy: Javier Rullan Ruano


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